Fayfield Park
Public parks and recreational areas are protected by federal and state laws. As part of the environmental process for the I-83 North York Widening Project, impacts to parks need to be assessed. Fayfield Park is a public resource that would be impacted by the transportation project, and therefore require mitigation. PennDOT and the design team identified the impacts to the park, developed a concept on how to address those impacts and presented it to the Springettsbury Township Board of Supervisors in March 2019. Signs were posted at the park for interested public to attend. The proposed concept would rearrange the park layout to allow the park to continue to function as it does today. Some key additions to the park plan include new playground equipment, new baseball field, new basketball court, additional tree plantings, new pavilion, parking and a potential noise barrier. Coordination with the township and public will continue throughout the design process.